No Comment - Roman Empire | Syno

Trends are a fascinating thing, especially when one starts on the flipside of the digital world. Not so long ago, the popular social media platform TikTok was overflown with one simple question: how often do men think about the Roman Empire? And answers do vary!

Apparently - 10% of Swedish Men think about the Roman Empire several times per week or every day! But to 56% of women and 38% of men, the Roman Empire never crossed their minds at all.

Syno International conducted the survey through its SynoAnswers omnibus from November 3 through November 7, 2023. The data was collected through online panels with a representative sample of Sweden based on ages 18-80, gender, and region.

No Comment is an initiative from Syno to share data from consumers' views on relevant topics. Do you have any questions you would like to ask? Do not hesitate to reach out to us at Syno!