Collect feedback
and opinions

  • Recruit members

  • Collect data
  • Reward participants
  • Start new projects​, easy overview

Engage your audience

A panel allows you to efficiently and systematically engage and understand your core audience. It allows you to implement rules on which panel members should be invited to which surveys, as well as what they should be rewarded with.

Understand your audience​

Understanding your audience has never been more important than in today’s fast moving economy. Building a panel is an efficient direct channel to collect feedback and opinions.

Recruit members​

We will help you to create user interfaces and guidance to convert your users into engaged panel members.

Collect data and reward participants​

After panelists register, they must fill out a questionnaire to begin taking surveys. Each survey is rewarded with points that can be exchanged to money or gift cards. The more information they provide, the more surveys they access.

Start collecting feedback and opinions

The table below shows the number of panel members that is managed in the Syno platform. The data is updated quarterly. Please note that it is possible to also reach panel members that are not managed in our platform via Syno Distribution.
